The On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library
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List & Summary 01
For "Spiritual Letters"
- From April 2004 To January 2006 -
Between the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

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                    List & Summary 01
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                    Summary of Spiritual Letters
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Introduction - to "List & Summary 01"

Bawa.  Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

- In process.  Please come back later.  Thank you -

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                                                                      - go to "List & Summary 01"
List & Summary 01 - for "Spiritual Letters", between the Children of God for our
age, from April of 2004 to January of 2006 (in reverse order, that is, newest to oldest)

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About - "List & Summary O1" for "Spiritual Letters"

Bawa.  Between April of 2004 and January of 2005 "the "Children of God" for our age, which in truth is each of us living in this age, if we truly want it, in partnership with God within us, came together in the "Name of God" for our age, and produced the following
(24+2) Spiritual Letters", which includes a wonderful wealth of clarity about the "Path of God" within us, and about the many "traps" that we must avoid, in partnership with God within us, a path that each of us must personally Witness as opening and coming to maturity as the "Sweet Taste of God" within our very own hearts, before we die to the flesh, in order for God within us, to truly make our life successful in our lifetime.

BawaBut this time with "no seed", with nothing left over, with "No Child Left Behind",
but this time
with "no seed of us", of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, so God won't have to tell "His Stroy" again within us, because in truth through the grace, the wisdom, and the 'ilm or divine knowledge of God within us, "His Story" has truly become "Our Story".  Amen.

Bawa.  To access any of these "24+2 Spiritual Letters" on-line, some of which are,
Still in process", please click on the following Spiritual Letter numbers listed below, like "Spiritual Letter 80", which is the first in the original list but the last sent, as we listed them in reverse order, that is, last to first, or newest to oldest.

Bawa.  Or like "Spiritual Letter 81", or"Spiritual Letter 82", both which were just written, after this list was put together, and after "Spiritual Letter 80" was written, both which are the "Plus 2" of the list, which we just been added to the top of this list, without
renumbering the items
in the current list, making the list now really (24+2), or 26 Spiritual Letters, which is the nature of numbering things when working with Bawa within us, and with God within Him, as everything keeps changing on the "outside" of us, but becomes more and more peaceful and stable within us.  What a grace. 
Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.

Bawa.  Also, only the URL or Web Address for the first Spiritual Letter in this list is given, because they all have the same format, like (www.SpiritualLetter080., and only the Spiritual Letter "number" changes, like 080 to 079.  Remember to write 3 digits, not 2, for example, 079, not 79, if you type these URLs into your "Web Browser", as this is a common error.  Thank you.  Enjoy.  Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.  Amen.

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List & Summary 01 - for "Spiritual Letters", sent to you, From April of 2004 To January of 2006 (but in reverse order)

Plus 2)  Spiritual Letter 82: (
To:  CEO & Staff of the "CrossTV" television program
Title:  "Change The Name of Your TV Program to "OneTentTV"
Date Sent:  (still in process)
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 82

Plus 1Spiritual Letter 81: (
ToAsma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Rick Hacket)
          and to His devoted wife QadirBeeBee
Title:  "The Three Ages or Growing Seasons of God,
                    Both On the Outside of Us and Within Us, If We Like"
Date Sent(still in process)
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 81

01)  Spiritual Letter 80: (
To:  Mr. Paul Sturgis and His wife Joan,
     and to Mr. Pierce Pelouze and His wife Dolores
Title:  "Do We Have The Faith of Jesus (peace be upon Him),
                    Or Just Faith In Jesus (peace be upon Him.)"
Date Sent:  December, 2005
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 80

ToAsma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Rick Hacket)
          and to His devoted wife QadirBeeBee
Title:  "Knowing The Only True Solution To The Middle East, & To Each of Us"
Date Sent:  December, 2005
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 79

To:  Mr. Irvin J. Borowsky, Founder and Chairman of the "American Interfaith Institute
          Inc.1982", the "National Liberty Museum 2000", and the "Tent of Abraham 2002"
Title:  "God Has No Wrath or Anger, But We Do"
Date Sent:  December, 2005
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 78

ToMuhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Curtis Wahlgren)
Title:  "Stop Throwing Stones At Your Shaikh"
Date Sent:  November, 2005
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 77

To:  Rebecka Jordan Orso (An Elementary School Teacher)
Title:  "The Secret Within the 7 Colors Spectrum"
Date Sent(still in process)
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 76

ToThe Great Beings of Our Age,
Title:  "And The Choice Is Ours, Not God's"
Date Sent(still in process)
Go To: Summary of Spiritual Letter 75

ToMuhammad Hussain (John Barnett),
Title:  "Becoming A True Whale Rider In Our Lifetime"
Date Sent:  (still in process)
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 74

ToThe Great Beings of Our Age,
Title:  "Introduction To The Life & Teaching of God For Our Age"
Date Sent:  (still in process)
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 73

To:  Mr. Tom Brokaw, previous Anchor for NBC News, and to Mr. Aron Ralston, a
          mountain climber who when trapped by a rock cut off his own hand to save his life
Title:  "God Saved You Within Him,
                    Now You Must Try To Save God Within You"
Date Sent:  (still in process)
Go To: Summary of Spiritual Letter 72

To: Mr. Paul Sturgis and His wife Joan,
          and to Mr. Pierce Pelouze and His wife Dolores
Title:  "There Are No Good People, Only God Is Good
Date SentMay, 2005
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 71

ToMr. Ellis Thomas, Classmate of Louie, who was recently told by "his doctor" that
          he has a terminal illness, and only has a short time to live, which in truth is just
          like what "Our Doctor" told all of us, about our terminal illness, which is our
          "separation from" God within us, so we too only have a short time to live
Title:  "Bear Not Witness of Ourselves,
                    But Only of God Within Us
Date SentApril, 2005
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 70

To:  Mr. Ellis Thomas, Classmate of Louie,
Title:  "Invoking The Presence of God Within Us"
Date SentMarch, 2005
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 69

ToMr. Ellis Thomas, Classmate of Louie,
Title:  "What Has Happened To Us?"
Date SentFebruary, 2005
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 68

ToMr. Ellis Thomas, Classmate of Louie,
Title:  "And The Truth Will Make You Free"
Date SentJanuary, 2005
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 67

ToMr. Ellis Thomas, Classmate of Louie,
Title:  "Thank You For Showing Us Your Faith & Trust In God"
Date SentJanuary, 2005
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 66

To:  The Children of God For Our Age,
Title:  "What Is The Cause of Our Suffering?"
Date Sent(still in process)
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 65

To: The Children of God For Our Age,
Title:  "The Importance of Giving Greetings To Our Father, Shaikh Muhammad
          Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (God be pleased with Him) within us, and To God
          within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, To His Children (may God be
          pleased with each of Us), realizing that in truth, "We are all One"
Date Sent(still in process)
Go ToSummary of Spiritual Letter 64

ToThe Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship,
Title:  "Review of the Holy Qur'an:
                    of Sura or Chapter 86,
                    of "At Tarique", of the "First 3 Lines"
Date Sent:  December, 2004
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 63

ToUmmul Khair Muhaiyaddeen (Rumi Smith), and to Maimuna,
Title:  "We Need To Use God To Get To God,
                    Not What God Has Discarded"
Date SentDecember, 2004
Go ToSummary of Spiritual Letter 62

ToMuhammad Muhaiyaddeen Adam (Rick Boardman)
                    and to his wife, Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Fatimah (Gene Boardman)
Title:  "If Two of You Come Together In My Name, I Will Be There"
Date SentNovember, 2004
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 61

ToMr. Paul Sturgis and His wife Joan,
          and to Mr. Pierce Pelouze and His wife Dolores
Title:  "Understanding The Sin of Righteousness"
Date Sent:  (still in process)
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 60

To:  Columnists, Staff, and Management of the New York Times,
Title:  Once Again, "And The Truth Will Set You Free"
Date Sent:  (still in process)
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 59

ToMuhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Curtis Wahlgren)
Title:  "Discovering The Fault Within Our Faults"
Date SentJuly, 2004
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 58

ToMr. Paul Sturgis and Mr. Pierce Pelouze, High School Classmates of Louie
Title:  "Don't Forget Me, Don't Forget Me, Don't Forget Me"
Date SentApril, 2004
Go To:  Summary of Spiritual Letter 57

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Summary of Spiritual Letters - from "List & Summary 01"

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About - Summary of Spiritual Letters

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Summary of Spiritual Letters

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- List & Summary 01 -
For Spiritual Letters

This page was last updated on: January 8, 2006